in Art' Volumes 1 and 2 are the first in a series of cross-curricular
They are written and presented by Jane Chipperfield, a teacher of
twenty years' experience with Key Stages 1 and 2.
series is designed to spark an interest in pupils aged 7 to 11 in
the great works of art that are accessible in Britain. However,
the content is such that there is much that could be used to supplement
the work of the secondary age pupil.
programme focuses on three types of work and reveals the stories
behind them. The class is introduced to a detective who encourages
pupils to look for the clues and the message or meaning of each
insight and bringing life to paintings and objects in this way,
seeks to inspire children to actually visit the locations and see
the pieces with their own eyes.
programmes are based around a lesson format that I successfully
used over my teaching career. Although not a totally original idea,
my version worked for me."
The programmes are posted with
accompanying Teachers' Notes. Using
the ideas contained within these Notes, teachers will be able to
form their own lessons across a broad range of the curriculum.
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Times Ltd. 2003